NoseOnlyMask FunnyLabStoriesTheMislabeledSpecimenLOLMoments
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Nose Only Mask

When the COVID19 pandemic started, the whole world put their heads together and came up with various ways to prevent the spread of this virus. The scientific community spearheaded the game, and along came the not-so-scientific community who came up with ridiculous ideas that seems to lack common sense. This is one of them.

I was getting ready to leave when I spotted this patient waiting in line for her radiology appointment. She’s an elderly lady with a very peculiar-looking mask. I looked and looked until I realized that her mask covered her nose only!

I thought these things on the internet are meant as a gag! But heck yeah it’s real!

I was too tired to say anything that day. Hope they got to educate her about mask use.

Submitted by:
Ronald Smith
Medical Technologist
Alabama, USA

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Ian Tiu

Saw this online before and I honestly thought it was just a gag. OMG it’s a real thing??? crazy 🤪