FBAD Testing Fasting Blood Any Disease The Mislabeled Specimen LOL Moments Funny Lab Stories Healthcare Hospital
LOL Moments

FBAD Testing

You’re probably wondering what FBAD stands for. It’s my very own acronym for “Fasting Blood Any Disease” testing. Here’s when I came up with it.

As I was getting ready to draw blood from a patient, he asked if I can diagnose any disease in his body by doing one and only test.

Me : Yes, there’s a test called FBAD Testing. However, you must be fasting for 10 consecutive days. Would you like to have it done?

Submitted by:
Dulari Marapana
Medical Technologist/Scientist
Sri Lanka

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Jen Jen

A simple “no” would have been easier in these situations. but then maybe Theranos has an answer


i bet it gives you the result of “deceased” 🥴