He's Just Tired The Mislabeled Specimen Funny Lab Stories LOL Moments
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He’s Just Tired

I work in a small town hospital with team members taking turns doing overnight calls. It was my turn to take calls one night and I got called in for an ER patient right around midnight.

I went in, drew his blood, and stopped by the ER physician’s office to find out what the patient’s diagnosis is because it was missing from his chart.

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The ER doc looks a little bit irritated. I didn’t think anything wrong of it because it’s pretty late, until he mentioned that the patient’s only complaint is feeling tired.

OMG really?! Are you kidding me? The patient felt tired at midnight so he came in to the ER to seek medical care. I wonder what happened to getting a good night’s sleep so you won’t feel tired at midnight.

Submitted by:
Rodney Lopez
Laboratory Technician
Florida USA

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