MinuteESR TheMislabeledSpecimenLOLMomentsFunnyLabStories
LOL Moments

5-Minute ESR

“Hello, can i have the results in five minutes?” The doctor asked.

“Yeah sure”, I answered while going through his lab requests.

TMS Task Manager The Mislabeled Specimen

“Oh noo I can’t,” I apologized. “But you have requested for an ESR.”

“Yeah, and what’s wrong with that???” He replied.

It takes an hour. (While looking at my Westergren tube)

“What? How?” He rushed back to his office and cancelled the ESR request. “Run the hemogram” he came back to the lab.

It was 5 minutes before the close of the day and with no night shift in the facility, we left the clinic at exactly 2 minutes past 5 O’clock.


Submitted by:
Akinyi Kiprono
Medical Technologist/Scientist

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