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Coughing Accident
One day, I went to the ER to collect a flu swab on a patient. When I got there, the ...

At Times It’s QNS
You know that saying “Don’t judge the book by its cover”? Well, as lab techs, we also have our own ...

Urine Culture STAT
Nurse: I want to check the results on a urine culture. Me: That specimen was submitted earlier today so there ...

Miracle Grow Fix
I had a nurse call for the results of a blood culture 2 hours after it was collected! I told ...

Watt’s Your Name?
Long time ago when I was a phlebotomist, I went into a room and asked the patient what his name ...

STAT Sed Rate
Nurse: “How long does a sed rate take”? Me: (we have the analyzer that does them in 20 minutes) “20 ...

Gentian Violet
Many, many years ago in the early 70s when we were allowed to smoke in the lab, one of the ...

I Have A Boner
We used to do sterility testing for the bone bank. Of course, we called any positives to them. So there's ...

Name Confusion
This happened back in my home country where I took my first job as a Medical Technologist. At the time, ...

Literal Loose Stool
One day I came to work and there was a turd on the floor. Nobody knew where it came from ...

Skateboard Dare
Years ago when I worked at a trauma center during the night shift, I had to go to ER and ...

Stuck Up Vegetable
My mom has a former nurse friend who worked in the ER. A man came in who had a vegetable ...

The Peeled Cucumber
A man came into the emergency room and had a cucumber stuck up his you know what! His story was ...

Quick Change
I went to the nursing home located just a short walk from the hospital I work in. The weather was ...

Stool Sample at the Children’s Health Fair
I worked as a processor in our Microbiology department. One time I was asked if I would like to volunteer ...

No Way He’s Anemic
When I was at the blood bank, we had to do a stint in the donor clinics. One day a ...

Kickstarting It
One Sunday morning my Coulter S was not feeling well. I've tried everything I can, including some very negative words ...

Fresh Stab Wounds
I was once drawing blood on a patient when a strung out intern came up and started talking to the ...