LOL Moment Submissions

TMS Task Manager The Mislabeled Specimen

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BloodyMary TheMislabeledSpecimenFunnyLabStoriesLOLMoments

Bloody Mary

Went to our skilled nursing facility to draw blood on one of the residents. I usually engage on a conversation ...
UrgentBloodCulture TheMislabeledSpecimen

Urgent Blood Culture

Ah yes, the urgent blood culture. I shall just speak to the germs and ask if they would mind growing ...
TheUrineThatWasn't TheMislabeledSpecimenLOLMomentsFunnyLabStories

The Urine That Wasn’t

I worked at a pediatric cancer center. One night we received a urine sample from one of our patients. We ...
SecretIngredient FunnyLabStoriesTheMislabeledSpecimenLOLMoments

Special Ingredient

We have a big class of over 150 students. Imagine 150 interns in this huge laboratory run mostly by student ...
He Bit What Off? The Mislabeled Specimen Funny Lab Stories LOL Moments

He Bit What Off???

I just started a my new job in Anatomic Pathology at my current hospital. I was there maybe 2 weeks, ...
Possible Miscommunication The Mislabeled Specimen LOL Moments Funny Lab Stories

Possible Miscommunication

One day I was drawing blood on a patient. I noticed how anxious he was and had sweaty hands. I ...
FistPlease TheMislabeledSpecimenFunnyLabStoriesLOLMoments

Fist Please

My most embarrassing patient care moment ever. Another phlebotomist, young and innocent, asked for my help with a difficult stick ...
SmelltheSex FunnyLabStories

Smell the Sex

Lazy Saturday morning in the lab. Morning labs all done and sitting in the lounge when I get called to ...
TheMysteryShrimp FunnyLabStoriesTheMislabeledSpecimen

The Shrimp Mystery

An elderly couple came into our clinic lab with a specimen. They were upset. The gentleman said he found shrimp ...
Felicity TheMislabeledSpecimen

Last Survivor

We’ve all heard of patients passing out while drawing blood. But you probably haven’t heard of other people passing out, ...
Sing for Me Mom The Mislabeled Specimen LOL Moments Funny Lab Stories

Sing For Me Mom!

I have to draw blood on an ER patient. She is a 15 year old who is deathly scared of ...
UniqueSampleContainer TheMislabeledSpecimenLOLMomentsFunnyLabStories

Unique Sample Container

We’ve always received stool specimens from patients in a lab-provided container. Well, one day, a patient handed me a rather ...
TheWhoreisComing FunnyLabStoriesLOLMomentsTheMislabeledSpecimen

The Whore is Coming!

I work at a small town hospital in Central Florida. 25 beds to be exact. Part of the charm of ...
OhNoYouDidn't TheMislabeledSpecimenLOLMomentsFunnyLabStories

Oh No You Didn’t

I have been working in the laboratory profession for over 45 years. But back when I first started, my RN ...
Jar of Poop The Mislabeled Specimen Funny Lab Stories LOL Moments

Jar of Poop

Normally when a patient were to ask what container can be used to put a stool sample in, we would ...
Serum vs Plasma Funny Lab Stories The Mislabeled Specimen

Serum vs Plasma

This story happened back before our previous lab manager retired. Talk about a dry sense of humor, hers is as ...
The Mislabeled Specimen Featured Image

Out Like A Light

Before becoming an MLT, I was employed as a Clinical Laboratory Assistant. I clearly remember my VERY exciting first week ...
DryIceIncident TheMislabeledSpecimenLOLMomentsFunnyLabStories

Don’t Play with Dry Ice

At times, there’s a thin line between downright stupidity and overwhelming curiosity. Here’s my dry ice story. One time, an ...
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