Lab Calculators


24 Hr Creatinine Clearance

Determine the 24 hour creatinine clearance in ml/min using the measured serum and urine creatinine ...
Absolute Neutrophil Count The Mislabeled Specimen Online Lab Calculators

Absolute Neutrophil Count

Calculate Absolute Neutrophil Count from the Relative Neutrophil Count and total WBC count. Formula: Absolute ...
Anion Gap The Mislabeled Specimen Online Lab Calculators

Anion Gap

Calculates gap from the difference between the cations (sodium & potassium) and anions (chloride and ...
Anticoagulant Volume Adjustment for Patients with High Hematocrit The Mislabeled Specimen Online Lab Calculators

Anticoagulant Adjustment

Determine the amount of anticoagulant (in uL) to be removed to adjust for patients with ...
Calculated LDL The Mislabeled Specimen Online Lab Calculators

Calculated LDL

Calculator for calculating LDL Cholesterol levels using Total Cholesterol, HDL and Triglycerides levels using the ...
Calibration Verification Linearity The Mislabeled Specimen Laboratory Calculator for Laboratory Professionals, Scientist, Technician

Calibration Verification (Linearity)

Determine the accuracy of calibration throughout the reportable range using different dilutions of an analytical ...
Corrected calcium Lab Calculator The Mislabeled Specimen

Corrected Calcium Calculator

Calculates the corrected calcium using serum total calcium (mg/dl) and total albumin (g/dl) results. Formula: ...
Corrected WBC Count The Mislabeled Specimen Online Lab Calculators

Corrected WBC Count

Used to calculate the corrected WBC count when more than 5 nucleated red cells are ...
Cerebrospinal Fluid CSF Fluid Cell Count The Mislabeled Specimen Fun Lab Calculators

CSF Fluid Cell Count Calculator

Determine the number of cells per microliter (uL) using the hemocytometer manual cell count method ...
Estimated Average Glucose The Mislabeled Specimen Online Lab Calculators

Estimated Average Glucose

This calculator is used to determine the Estimated Average Glucose (eAG) from an HBA1c (%) ...
Estimated GFR The Mislabeled Specimen Lab Calculators for Laboratory Professionals

Estimated GFR

Calculate the Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) using the patient's serum creatinine level, age, race ...
Fetal Red Cells Percentage The Mislabeled Specimen Lab Calculators

Fetal Red Cells Percentage

Determine the percentage of fetal red blood cells from the total red cells counted using ...
FIO2 Calculator from LPM (L/Min)

FIO2 Calculator from LPM (L/Min)

Calculates the Fraction of Inspired Oxygen (FIO2) using the flow rate of Oxygen in L/Min ...
Hours-Worked Calculator The MIslabeled Specimen Calculators for Lab Professionals

Hours-Worked Calculator

Clock In Time: : Clock Out Time: : Calculate Time Worked Time Worked: hours How ...
Manual INR Calculation The Mislabeled Specimen Online Lab Calculators

INR Manual Calculation

Manually calculate the sample's INR with the sample's prothrombin Time, average prothrombin time of normal ...
Iron Saturation The Mislabeled Specimen Online Lab Calculators

Iron Saturation

Calculate the iron saturation (%) from the ratio between serum iron and total iron binding ...
Laboratory Units Conversion Conventional to SI Laboratory Calculator The Mislabeled Specimen Standard International Units

Laboratory Units Conversion Conventional and SI Units

Online calculator for converting common laboratory values from conventional units to international (SI) units and ...
Method Validation or Correlation The Mislabeled Specimen Laboratory Calculators Statistics

Method Validation (Correlation)

Determine the validity or correlation of recovered values of an analyte with a new method ...
Pediatric OGTT Adjustment The Mislabeled Specimen Laboratory Calculators

Pediatric OGTT

Calculate the volume of a 75 gram or 100 gram glucose load based on the ...
Percent Difference The Mislabeled Specimen Online Lab Calculators

Percent Difference

Percent difference is calculated as the difference between two values, divided by the average of ...
Manual Platelet Estimate The Mislabeled Specimen Online Lab Calculators

Platelet Estimate

Get an estimate of the patient's platelet count by counting the average number of platelets ...
Manual Platelet Estimate Online Counter The Mislabeled Specimen Online Lab Calculators

Platelet Estimate (Counter)

Online counter for estimating the patient's platelet count by counting the average number of platelets ...
PO2 Barometric Correction The Mislabeled Specimen Laboratory Calculator EPOC Blood Gas Analyzer

pO2 Barometric Correction for EPOC Blood Gas

Determines the corrected partial oxygen pressure (pO2) from the barometric pressure at current elevation in ...
RBC Indices The Mislabeled Specimen Online Lab Calculators

RBC Indices

Calculates the Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH), and the Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin ...
Reticulocyte Online Calculator 10 Field Estimate The Mislabeled Specimen Laboratory Calculator

Reticulocyte Count 10 Field Estimate

Determine the patient's reticulocyte count by counting the average number of reticulocytes in 10 oil ...
Reticulocyte Online Counter 10 Field Estimate The Mislabeled Specimen Laboratory Calculator

Reticulocyte Count 10-Field Estimate (Counter)

Online counter for determining the percentage of reticulocytes from total red cells counted using a ...
Sample Dilution The Mislabeled Specimen Online Lab Calculators

Sample Dilution

Simple calculator to help you determine how much sample and diluent is needed to get ...
Serum Osmolality The Mislabeled Specimen Online Lab Calculators

Serum Osmolality

Calculate serum osmolality using the sample's sodium, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), glucose and ethanol levels ...
Sodium Citrate Platelet Correction The Mislabeled Specimen Laboratory Calculators online

Sodium Citrate Platelet Correction Calculator

Determine the sample's actual platelet count if it is collected in Sodium Citrate Anticoagulant. Formula: ...
Solution Dilution The Mislabeled Specimen Online Lab Calculators

Solution Dilution

Calculator used to determine the amount of diluent need to get the desired concentration of ...
Standard Deviation Calculator from Reference Range (SD) The Mislabeled Specimen Lab Calculators

Standard Deviation (SD) Calculator from Reference Range

Determine the Standard Deviation and Mean from the low and high limits of the acceptable ...
Standard Deviation (SD) Calculator using Data Points The Mislabeled Specimen Laboratory Calculator Statistics

Standard Deviation (SD) Calculator using Data Points

Determine the Standard Deviation, Coefficient of Variation, and Mean using A Given Set of Data ...
WBC Count Estimate The Mislabeled Specimen Lab Calculators Online

WBC Count Estimate

Estimate the patient's WBC Count with a Wright-stained peripheral blood smear under 50x oil-immersion objective ...
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