UrineMonster TheMislabeledSpecimenFunnyLabStoriesLOLMoments
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Urine Monster

A cold dark night shift. The silence covers the whole lab and the ghosts are whispering around us. I was in a deep sleep.

Suddenly, my co-worker screamed my name!!! I woke up really scared ..he was doing a urinalysis and he said :” there is a monster in this urine sample .”

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I saw it and it was a weird giant parasite under the microscope. I wasn’t sure if that was a urine sample. The specific gravity was very low and after I ran a Creatinine test on it, the truth appeared. There was no creatinine in the sample which means it was a “water sample.”

After a tired long night investigation, the patient finally admitted the truth and said that he filled the cup with water because he thought the test was for drugs. 😂

Submitted by:
Ahmad Almghawish
Medical Lab Technician

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