UnusualPlayThing TheMIslabeledSpecimenFunnyLabStoriesLOLMoments
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Unusual Play Thing

Working in the medical field opens the door to some of the weirdest stories and encounters with our patients. Some, a little over the top. Yet, shit happens! Some stories embarrassing as heck but to us, it’s a good way to destress and have a few laughs.

It was a typical day working in the lab when the ER nurse called and said they needed a blood draw. Usually, we check on the admitting diagnosis so we can better explain to the patient why we need a blood sample.

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Patient was a 68 year old lady with a very unusual diagnosis. Something about a foreign object was mentioned but it wasn’t very clear.

Oh well, I guess I’ll just head over and ask her.

Guess what I found out. This 68 year old grandma was trying to pleasure herself with a darning egg!! Apparently she got bored knitting, so she had this idea of using a darning egg and stuck it inside her you know what to pass the afternoon. Unfortunately, she just couldn’t get it out and ended up in the emergency room. Talk about an embarrassing sexual mishap!

I wonder if there are others with similar embarrassing stories. I just can’t forget this one.

Submitted by:
Felicity Buenevenidez
Medical Laboratory Technician
New Mexico, USA

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The lid from a deodorant can, which had come off while the can was being used for a purpose for which it was not designed! The lady patient had been unable to retrieve it, and was so embarrassed that they had waited a couple of months before visiting their doc. By this point she had a very bad infection. The black plastic had actually discoloured! We put it in a broth to look for actinos, a 14 day incubation, but after 6 days it blew the lid! It held the record for our lab’s worst smelling sample until we received an anus with necrotising fasciitis…

The Mislabeled Specimen

Oh gosh that sounds awful! I bet you can’t ever “unsmell” that stench! haha