TryingtoHelp TheMislabeledSpecimen
LOL Moments

Trying to Help

It’s the middle of the night and I went out to do a timed draw. I walk into the patient’s room and the nurse was trying to get the patient off the bed pan and was waiting for someone to come assist her. She told me to come back later when they’re done so I can draw the patient.

I’m trying to be helpful and said,”I can help you”. She agrees.


She rolled the patient towards her and handed me the toilet paper. I proceeded to do the deed.

Needless to say, I don’t offer to help in these kinds of situations anymore. I will gladly say “call me when the patient’s ready.”

There’s a reason why I chose to work in the lab. 😀

Submitted by:
Heidi Perez
Medical Technologist/Scientist
Wisconsin, USA

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Angela M

I’m sure the nurse is laughing within 😜

Lab Girl

Ewww no way!!! 🤢💩