TheWhoreisComing FunnyLabStoriesLOLMomentsTheMislabeledSpecimen
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The Whore is Coming!

I work at a small town hospital in Central Florida. 25 beds to be exact. Part of the charm of working with a smaller team is that you get the chance to know everyone from every single department throughout the hospital.

The nurses at the inpatient wing normally do their bedside reporting at around 7am, which is about the same time I do my morning draws for the lab. 

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One day, I was drawing blood from one of the patients on the floor. I had a great time chatting with her. After I got done drawing her blood and was about to turn around and leave, the nurses started walking in for their reports. I told the patient, “Here comes the horde”, as in “horde of nurses”.

One of the nurses gave me a funny look and asked me to repeat what I just said. I innocently repeated myself and said, “here comes the horde”. She burst out laughing! She thought I said “here comes the whore” referring to her. Haha I can see why she asked me to repeat myself. Plus, it’s pretty hard to properly enunciate when speaking behind a surgical mask!

Submitted by:
Rodney Lopez
Medical Laboratory Technologist
Florida, USA

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LOL who uses the word, “horde”??? 🤔

Lab Nerd

Some of them do act like one 🥴🤪