I worked at a pediatric cancer center. One night we received a urine sample from one of our patients. We ran the sample on the analyzer and the glucose was greater than 500 mg/dl. We run a Clinitest and there is so much sugar, it caused a “pass through.” We immediately began to panic so I asked my coworkers to see what the patient’s last plasma glucose was.
Plasma glucose was normal so we began to suspect something was up. I called the nurse and asked her to confirm with the patient if he really did pee into the cup. The nurse thought I was crazy. She came back to the phone laughing. The patient thought it would be funny to prank the lab and poured his lemonade, with water, into the cup and have the nurse send it down. We were suspicious of every urine he sent down the rest of the night. 😀
Submitted by:
Crystal Melloh
Medical Technologist/Scientist
Tennessee, USA
The patient risked his life there! He could have been given unnecessary medication 😅
I hope the cancer patient survived. Still, it’s a good prank LOL