The Grand Canyon The Mislabeled Specimen LOL Moments Funny Lab Stories
LOL Moments

The Grand Canyon

This story was shared to be by a nurse who assisted the doctor in collecting a wet mount & pap smear specimen.

She walked in with the specimen, snickering at the awkward experience she just experienced at the clinic.


Imagine the patient laying down, stirrups and all, admiring the pictures of sceneries taped on the ceiling, waiting for the doctor to finish doing his thing, when suddenly the patient said, “Looks like the Grand Canyon!”

Doctor innocently replied while collecting the specimen, “I won’t exactly call it that.”

The nurse immediately pointed to the ceiling, hinting to the doctor that the patient was talking about the picture on the ceiling, not calling her own lady parts the “Grand Canyon”.

Glad everyone in that room had a great sense of humor!

Submitted by:
Ian Tiu
Laboratory Manager
Iowa, USA

TMS Task Manager The Mislabeled Specimen

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