SteakKnivesversusSyringes TheMislabeledSpecimenFunnyLabStoriesLOLMoments
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Steak Knives and Syringes

We meet all kinds of people in the ER. Some have OMG types of backstories that are almost hard to believe.

This one guy didn’t need to say anything. He occasionally ends up in the ER with the same problem. He literally stabs himself in the belly when he gets so drunk and wasted.

One time he arrived at the ER, bloodied, and with two steak knives still stuck to his belly. On a side note, this guy has a big enough belly that be never hit any of his major organs. But here’s the kicker. He is deathly afraid of needles.

One time the ER doc, annoyed, made a comment and stated the obvious. “I’m sure those steak knives hurt a lot more than a needle”. I just made a silent laugh, drew his blood, and walked away. I’m glad the ER doc took the words out of my mouth. ???

Submitted by:
Ronald Smith
Medical Technologist
Alabama USA

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