Spread a Little Sunshine The Mislabeled Specimen LOL Moments Funny Lab Stories
LOL Moments

Spread a Little Sunshine

Working in a private lab near a fertility specialist office, we would often get semen analysis specimens dropped off early in the morning. Labeling seemed to be an often overlooked item for the collectors. So, our front office would always have the tech come to accept the specimen and verify specimen identification.

Oftentimes, guys would place the specimen inside a coat pocket, or somewhere near their body to keep the specimen warm. One morning I went out to meet the client and verify the specimen. I went over the request form, then asked him if he had labeled the specimen. He sheepishly reached into his pocket and handed it to me.

TMS Task Manager The Mislabeled Specimen

The specimen had been collected in a mustard jar, and the lid was marked “Spread a little sunshine.” I could barely keep a straight face as I asked him to attach a label with his name and birthdate. To this day, I laugh every time I see a jar of French’s Mustard.

Submitted by:
Linda Duncan Brown
Medical Technologist/Scientist
Kentucky USA

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