Smells Sweet Tastes Sweet Prank Mountain Dew The Mislabeled Specimen LOL Moments Funny Lab Stories
LOL Moments

Smells Sweet Tastes Sweet

I was working UPMC SHY night shift and went into the breakroom, I had a Mt Dew that had been sitting awhile and the ice was melted looked a bit like urine.

It was April Fool’s Day, so I got a urine cup and label it poured it in and bagged it up.

When the day shift came in, I waited till Vicky came over to say good morning and I opened the bag and took the lid off and said, “This smells sweet.”

As she started walking to me, I held it up and took a big drink and said, “Tastes sweet too”.

I thought she was going to fall over! It was the funniest prank ever!

Submitted by:
Darlene Butts
Laboratory Technician
Pennsylvania, USA

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