Small Town Gossip The Mislabeled Specimen Funny Lab Stories LOL Moments
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Small Town Gossip

Working in a small town has its perks, until you start hearing stories about yourself that makes you say, OMG really?

News travel fast, especially when it boards the Gossip Express! I’m not much of a gossiper myself, but I’ve overheard my fair share of hot gossips around town.

One time, I was drawing blood and when I finished, I asked him if he has any questions about his tests. He said “No”, but went to ask something personal anyway.

He has heard from his neighbors that my wife and I are getting a divorce, and we are fighting custody over our cats (we only have one by the way). Plus, I was rumored to have made plans to move to New Mexico.

Wow! That’s some kind of next level made up BS I just heard. I just laughed and said none of it is true.

I love my wife very much and we have one furry kid we’d love to keep. And we’ve stayed happily married in Alabama. What is the most surprising thing that you’ve heard about yourself?

Submitted by:
Ronald Smith
Medical Technologist
Alabama, USA

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