Sing for Me Mom The Mislabeled Specimen LOL Moments Funny Lab Stories
LOL Moments

Sing For Me Mom!

I have to draw blood on an ER patient. She is a 15 year old who is deathly scared of needles. She started crying and told her mom to sing her a song.

Mom: “What do you want me to sing?”

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Daughter: “You know, that song that we sing at camp.”

Mom: “Which song is that?”

Daughter: “I’m not sure. Just make one up.”

Mom started singing a song but daughter again cried and said, “Mom, stop that!”

Mom just laughed and just started talking to her until I got done drawing her blood. Thank God it’s over! At least mom was very supportive to us and even sang for her teenage daughter in the ER.

Submitted by:
Felicity Buenevenidez
Medical Laboratory Technician
New Mexico, USA

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LOL what an awkward moment in the ER 🥴