ScaredofNeedles TheMislabeledSpecimenFunnyLabStoriesLOLMoments
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Scared of Needles

I was a fairly new phlebotomist at a rural hospital that got in patients from all over. One day I get a call down to Emergency for a blood draw. The patient was from a correctional facility who had started a fight and was there due to their fight protocol since blood was shed. 

I enter the room and there are two male guards on either side of the sitting patient, who was in hand cuffs and ankle cuffs. The first thing I noticed about the patient was that he had many facial tattoos. 

I introduce myself and why I am there, and the patient is very polite when answering my questions. I started to gather the supplies I would need and he became very nervous. He asked me if I could use a really small needle because he was afraid of needles. 

The police officers and I looked at each other and we tried not to laugh. Here in front of me was this large tough guy who had face tattoos and was scared of needles! I proceeded to reassure him and the draw went ahead normally. I will always remember this day!

Submitted by:
Alex Friedman
Laboratory Technologist
South Dakota, USA

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Haha, I’ve had a similar experience!! He had tattoodls all over his arm but said he was scared of needles. 😂

Not to mention soldiers who are not afraid of guns but withdraw their arms at the sight of 💉


I’ve actually met one 🤣


Heard that from a similar guy. I commented on his tats, and he explained, “That was different, I was drunk!” 🍺🍺


Theres an actual reasoning behind this. Tattoo needles srent really needles so much as a group of sharp, scraping pins. They go just under the skin.

Our needles go thru the epidermis, dermis, and vein and some folks, even the tatted, are scared of their own bodily fluids coming out.

I used to LOVE to watch my blood be drawn. Then I had a kid, hemorrhaged internally and i cant stand to watch a needle go into my arm. I also have tats. In very fleshy places and in bony places.

While tats hurt (and i love it!) A needle just creeps me out.

Though one guy told me his fear was from past drug use. He ODd on heroin and now the thought of a needle makes him vomit.


thank you for your testimony, so interesting!


Joana JuJoana Ju youre welcome. I can now understand why some are scared of needles even with tattoos. I can watch myself bleed, but not get stuck😂 i also cant do my own finger sticks. Husband is a diabetic and i can stick him, but i cant do myself. I even have the kind you cant feel😂😂😂


It’s all for the show 😜


Heard a similar story from a nurse who used to work at a prison. She said some of the really tattooed guys in there are deathly afraid of needles especially when they’re alone with her. 🥴