Results Back Yet? The Mislabeled Specimen Funny Lab Stories
LOL Moments

Results Back Yet?

Some of the tests we send our reference lab has a really long turnaround…like 6 weeks.

Doctor: Have you had the results yet?

Me: When did you send the sample to us?

Doctor: This morning.

Me: Sorry, it’s a six week turnaround.

Next day another sample for the same patient and the same tests arrived. It got denied.

Doctor: Why have you denied it?


Me: It’s a specialist send away. it takes roughly 6 weeks for results to come back, and you requested the same test on a sample yesterday.

Doctor: Oh, okay, have you got the result for yesterday’s test then please?

Me: No, it’s a specialist send away test, that takes roughly 6 weeks.

Doctor: Okay, how soon can we have that result?

Me: (In my mind) Six weeks!! How are you a doctor?!?


Submitted by:
Steve Owen
United Kingdom

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