OhNoYouDidn't TheMislabeledSpecimenLOLMomentsFunnyLabStories
LOL Moments

Oh No You Didn’t

I have been working in the laboratory profession for over 45 years. But back when I first started, my RN friend brought me a urine sample and it was not labeled.

I stopped him and said that his sample was no good. No patient name or any other identifier whatsoever. He asked, “What you want me to do?”

TMS Task Manager The Mislabeled Specimen

I replied, “You can throw this in the trash.”

He took the lid off and started drinking it. I let out a squeal ,and he fell on the floor laughing. Never looked or liked apple juice ever again.

Submitted by:
Deborah Payton
Laboratory Director/Manager
Princeton, KY

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