Monkey Who Shits its Pants The Mislabeled Specimen Funny Lab Stories LOL Moments Hospital Humor Healthcare
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Monkey Who Shits Its Pants

It was my first day back from a 3-week vacation to the Philippines. Because of the recent coronavirus scare and knowing that my patients are old and somewhat immunocompromised, I decided to wear a face mask while at work even though I felt fine, just to be safe.

Enter Mrs. Grumpypants, one of the meanest patients at the assisted living facility where we do weekly blood draws. I knocked on her door and introduced myself.

“I need to draw a blood sample from you” I said, and then proceeded to turn her room lights on. She just woke up and obviously still a little bit confused.

She looked at me and instantly got mad and started yelling at me. 

“Who are you?” she asked while staring at my mask. “You look like a monkey who shit its pants!!!

Oh my I’ve been called worse, but not nearly as funny! I ended up excusing myself because I just can’t stop laughing at her comment. 😀

Submitted by:
Felicity Buenevenidez
Medical Laboratory Technician
New Mexico, USA

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