Men Are So Whiny Funny Lab Healthcare Stories LOL Moments
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Men Are So Whiny

I heard a guy once who was loudly complaining about all the blood he had to have drawn. It was, like, 5 tubes. Just whining and carrying on!

At the same time I was drawing a woman for her initial pregnancy panel. She and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes. I asked if I could use her as an example to fuss at him and she readily agreed.

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I whipped the curtain back and laid into him about how he was whining over 5 tubes and this woman who was half his size and PREGNANT had to get twice that drawn! And never mind the fact that the human body can lose up to 100ml before it ever even STARTS to have negative effects!!

I showed him how much blood was being drawn in each tube. Just laid into him. It was so satisfying!!

It was the Army, so I didn’t have to worry about ICE complaints or anything. It was great

Submitted by:
Jamie Kidd
Medical Laboratory Technician
US Army Korea

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