Make a Foot! The Mislabeled Specimen LOL Moments Funny Lab Stories
LOL Moments

Make a Foot!

I’ve only been a generalist lab tech for a few months while working in a small town hospital. Like any lab tech who’s new on the job, everything seems overwhelming.

There was this patient who was notoriously a hard-stick. One day, my colleagues sent me to “try” and draw this patient–kinda like an initiation for me. So I went to draw this patient–all nervous and stuff.


Looked all over the patient’s arms and wrists (both sides), and I honestly could not find a vein.

Desperate, I then went to look on the patient’s foot, put the tourniquet on, and unwittingly told the patient to make a fist! Few seconds after I said that, I could hear the patient laughing. I realized at that moment what I just said. Couldn’t help it, I laughed too.

Trying to act like I was just being funny, I told the patient to make a foot, instead of a fist. We both had a good laugh! Maybe the laughing made me a bit relaxed, and possibly gave me some confidence. I actually got the patient’s blood in one stick!

I can still remember that moment like it just happened yesterday. It makes me laugh every time I think of it.

Submitted by:
Roel Jenkins
Medical Technologist/Scientist
Nebraska, USA


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Feels pretty good to get this guy, doesn’t it? 😎