Kiss My Bass Graphic Tshirt The Mislabeled Specimen LOL Moments Funny lab Stories
LOL Moments

Kiss My Bass

A patient walked in to the lab to have his blood drawn. He sat down and I noticed that he was wearing a brown shirt with a small embroidery on the side that says “Kiss My Bass”

I tried to work up a conversation and made a comment, “Sorry, but I’m not going to kiss your bass.”


“But what if I caught a really big one?”, said the patient.

“Then instead of kissing your bass, I’m going to eat your bass.”, I jokingly replied without thinking.

Soon after, I realized that two people just walked by and they heard what I said, and gave me a funny look. That was a really embarrassing experience!

Submitted by:
Rodney Lopez
Laboratory Technician
Florida USA

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