IncompatiblewithLife FunnyLabStoriesTheMislabeledSpecimen
LOL Moments

Incompatible with Life

A home health nurse left shortly after dropping off a green top tube for a potassium level. Soon after, I processed it, spun it down, and ran it in our chemistry analyzer. Minutes later, I got a potassium level of 9.7 mEq/L. Wow!

I called the nurse and this is how our conversation went.

Me: Hi there. The specimen that was dropped earlier…we got a potassium level that was extremely high…

**Cuts me off**

Nurse: What did I do wrong this time? Last time you rejected my blue tube because it was short. How much blood do you need to do a PT/INR anyway?

Me: But her potassium level was really high that it seems incompatible with life…

**Cuts me off, again***


Nurse: I hate drawing blood for this reason. You guys are always picky with your tube colors. I drew it in a tube with a purple cap. My supervisor told me that I drew the wrong tube. So I transferred it to a green tube. I can’t see how it would affect her potassium level!

Me: …

Submitted by:
Rodney Lopez
Laboratory Technician
Florida, USA

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