Smell of E coli the Mislabeled Specimen Funny Lab Stories LOL Moments
LOL Moments

Smell of E Coli

So, I used to be a phlebotomist, and when I was I would take any specimen I could to Micro just to smell the specimens in the room. Walking in, for a normal human being, most would wear a mask and drop off the specimens, where I feel like I just got some fresh air!

When doing my rotation in Micro for my MLS, I went to a lab an hour from my home. The very first day their Micro processor called in, they were short staffed and Micro was my undergrad degree, so I volunteered to be the processor on my first day. They were very weary but didn’t have much of a choice. I loved to plate all the specimens and help them out as well. They loved me!

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Well, my next day I got to work on the bench for Micro for my rotation. My prospector asked me how I enjoyed Micro, and I informed her I loved being in this department over all the others. She then caught me smelling a MAC agar growing E coli and said what are you doing, with a smile. And I said I love the smell of E coli the best 🙂

I also said I love the smell of the incubator and she busted out laughing and then said that I will fit right in, in this department! 😀

Submitted by:
Julie Ann Moore
Medical Technologist/Scientist
Jackson, USA

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