DoctorGermophobe TheMislabeledSpecimen
LOL Moments

Doctor Germophobe

I’ve met a few germophobes in over 10 years of working in the laboratory. We have to say the lab, from a microbiological standpoint, is one of the dirtiest and biologically hazardous places in the hospital. But nothing a bit of universal precaution won’t help.

The worst germophobe I’ve ever met, is an ER doctor who I’m going to refer as Dr. K. He’s a nice guy with a bizarre sense of dry humor, and the strangest ways to try to function with his extreme germophobia. Here are a few of Dr. K’s habits:

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1. Speaks to his patients behind the curtain at all times

2. Covers up his chair with a blanket and soaks it with Lysol

3. Does his own laundry at the hospital by running the washer in full hot water before loading his clothes. After that, he finally loads his clothes and do a full wash again in full hot water.

4. Always drinks out of plastic cups. He will have several empty plastic cups all over the on call room.

5. Lines the on-call room with newspaper so he doesn’t ever have to walk on the floor.

6. Sleeps with 3 or 4 space heaters with the heat in full blast. Housekeepers swear it’s over 90 degrees in his room On top of that, he wears his sweater regardless of the weather outside. Underneath, he wears a long sleeve polo shirt and an undershirt even when outside on hot summer days.

7.Waits outside the door until someone comes out of the room because he is unable to open the door himself without touching the door knob (not even with a paper towel)

8. Freaks out whenever anyone touches him. He instantly acts like you have the worst case of the cooties.

9. A coworker shared that at one time when she was in the cafeteria, Dr. K waited for her to come out before going in because he doesn’t want to be in the same room with her.

First time I met him, I tried to shake his hand which he quickly retracted. Confused, I tapped him on the shoulder and he jumped away.

Later on, he said he felt bad about it and asked a nurse to send me a message. He said he’ll meet me in the hallway and just want to talk. He explained his germophobia and how he used to get sick easily until he started doing “preventative” measures. He shook my hand afterwards and said this is just a one-time thing that he would let me. I would imagine that he probably scrubbed it off with Betadine haha!

However, the most surprising thing was when my wife was with me and I introduced her to Dr. K. He shook her hand with no problem. Does she look clean or something that I’m not?? LOL

I wonder if anyone can top Dr. K’s case of germophobia. I will be very surprised!

Submitted by:
Alex Friedman
Laboratory Technologist
South Dakota, USA

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is this for real? LOL 😱🤪


WTF??!! definitely the wrong profession for this guy 🤣🤣🤣