CoughingAccident TheMIslabeledSpecimenFunnyLabStoriesLOLMoments
LOL Moments

Coughing Accident

One day, I went to the ER to collect a flu swab on a patient.

When I got there, the patient told me he needed to go to the restroom. I asked the patient if I could swab him really quick before he goes to the restroom, because the doctor is waiting for the result, and secondly, because it will literally just take few seconds to do the swab. The patient complied.

As I was inserting the swab in his nasopharynx, the patient coughed. Told him I’m sorry—patients normally cough when you swab them.

He then said, “Damn it!”

I told him again, I’m sorry.

He responded, “That’s not it, I had an accident.”

OMG! Thinking what he told me when I got there that he wanted to go to the restroom, I then asked “Do you want to go to the restroom right now?”

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The patient replied “It’s too late now!”

I called the nurse quickly and then left.

Submitted by:
Marisa Duval
Kansas, USA

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