LOL Moments

*Cough* Corona!

The hospital I work at has a neuro unit where patients suffering from neurological conditions are admitted. 

One day, I have orders to draw blood from a patient in this unit. Patient was in her mid 20’s who just delivered a baby. However, she is also suffering from a severe case of post partum psychosis.

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Soon as I entered her room, I turned on the lights and introduced myself. She turned her head, looked at me without even saying a word. A few seconds in, she coughed and said “Corona!”.

My eyes widened! Did I hear her right? Seconds later, she did it again. *Cough* Corona!

Now I’m a bit scared. I am wearing a surgical mask, just in case. But certainly not an N95! I got my work done, thanked her and left. 

Now, here’s the kicker. A day later, she started to have COVID symptoms. She developed a high fever so the attending physician ordered a COVID PCR done just to make sure. That really got me scared now.

I’m just glad after a couple of days, her results came back negative. After all that, I felt relieved that I haven’t been potentially exposed to a COVID positive patient! Now, I can look back and see this as a funny experience.


Submitted by:
Rodney Lopez
Laboratory Technician
Florida USA

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