ChocolateAgar TheMislabeledSpecimenFunnyLabStoriesLOLMoments
LOL Moments

Chocolate Agar

This happened before CLIA was implemented. At that time, lab techs do whatever they want in the lab—eat, drink, smoke, etc… including taking kids to work.

I was one of them—I took my 3-year old kid at work. It was just that one day when I could not find a babysitter. I was a single mom, and I was the only one who can work in that shift–so I had no choice.


The lab was small, and only one tech works during a shift.

I was working in micro at that particular moment, when the phone rang. The phone was in a different room, maybe about 15 feet away (we didn’t have wireless phones at that time). So I went to answer the phone. It took me like about 2 minutes before I could get back to the microbiology room.
When I got back, I could not believe what I saw…my kid got into the trash and ate the chocolate agar off a plate! He didn’t eat all of it, but it was obvious he took few bites of it! I was just horrified!! OMG!!!
At that moment, I kept thinking of the Haemophilus influenzae organism I discarded that morning and that it would make my kid sick.
Luckily, he didn’t get sick at all. Never again will I take my kid to the lab.

It wasn’t funny at all when it happened. But it’s hilarious now.

Submitted by:
Felicity Buenvenidez
Medical Laboratory Technician
New Mexico, USA

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