Be My Daddy The Mislabeled Specimen LOL Moments Funny Lab Stories ER Hospital Healthcare
LOL Moments

Be My Daddy

An 11-year old in the ER needed her blood drawn. She came with her dad and by the looks of things, she seems pretty unhappy that her dad brought her to the ER. The nurse also warned me that she is a difficult patient and is pretty manipulative.

I went into the room and introduced myself. I even tried making small talks just to get her to become comfortable with me.

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Apparently it worked so well that when I finished drawing her blood, she told her dad that if I am over 40, she would gladly go home and move in with me.

Umm…I still don’t know how to respond to that! I guess she wanted me to be her daddy 😆

Submitted by:
George Peters
Laboratory Manager
Montana, USA

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