Here’s another one of my funny experiences drawing blood at our nursing home next door.
For privacy purposes, I will call my patient Mr. X. Mr. X is probably one of the most talkative resident there. He always have some interesting stories to tell. Always pleasant to the nurses and the lab team. Overall, a very nice guy with a great personality.
One day, I have to draw blood from Mr. X. I excitedly opened the door to his room, knocked a couple times, and turned the lights on. OMG he was masturbating! And right at that moment, he came!
I was speechless and in shock. I went ahead and drew his blood, and there was almost an awkward silence. He was obviously embarrassed about it. Next time I always make sure to knock before opening the door. He was back to his usual jolly self, but we never talked about our little incident.
Submitted by:
Felicity Buenevenidez
Medical Laboratory Technician
New Mexico, USA
Oh no! It’s the fountain of youth! 🤣🤣🤣