Bad Timing The Mislabeled Specimen Funny Lab Stories LOL Moments
LOL Moments

Bad Timing

Here’s another one of my funny experiences drawing blood at our nursing home next door.

For privacy purposes, I will call my patient Mr. X. Mr. X is probably one of the most talkative resident there. He always have some interesting stories to tell. Always pleasant to the nurses and the lab team. Overall, a very nice guy with a great personality.


One day, I have to draw blood from Mr. X. I excitedly opened the door to his room, knocked a couple times, and turned the lights on. OMG he was masturbating! And right at that moment, he came!

I was speechless and in shock. I went ahead and drew his blood, and there was almost an awkward silence. He was obviously embarrassed about it. Next time I always make sure to knock before opening the door. He was back to his usual jolly self, but we never talked about our little incident.

Submitted by:
Felicity Buenevenidez
Medical Laboratory Technician
New Mexico, USA

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John B

Oh no! It’s the fountain of youth! 🤣🤣🤣