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This is an SOS —send help! I work for a hospital—-and they hire nurses here.

Called because I had some spotty result for a mint green and a grey no big. Clearly IV contamination—-so I thought. I’m not a nurse so who’s to say I could be wrong . 

Read back results and the “medical professional”, says to me.

“That’s so weird, I stuck the patient right in the AC. I didn’t draw from an IV.”

Hmmmmm that is odd I said. Well does the patient have a PICC Line?!? She responds with a no. Once again she’s explains she stuck the patient herself. Well then I just thought I’d throw it out there—-Does the patient have an IV?!? I know it’s improbable but who knows? 

She responds, “Yes, but that so weird because the IV is in his hand. I didn’t draw from the IV I drew straight from the AC. 

Sooo did you draw above the IV?

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Yes, I did but that’s just so weird because the IV is in his hand. 

I say hmm that is odd…….
I started to question whether the blood will just flow back up his arm once it gets to his fingers or does it shoot out of his fingers back to his anus but, I’d say that’s beyond the scope of my responsibilities. Have a good day all.

Submitted by:
Landon Johnson

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This is so messed up!