AHurtfulMisunderstanding FunnyLabStories
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A Hurtful Misunderstanding

An older patient came in the lab and handed me a crumpled grocery bag, indicating he wrapped something inside. I asked him what it was. He told me the doctor told him to drop it off in the lab after he collected the sample.

When I opened it, I saw the popsicle stick (the one we use to spread stool on an occult blood card) with a crumpled paper towel on top of it. I also saw the occult blood card in the bag.

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Confused, I asked the patient why that stick was still there.
He said, “The doctor told me to use the stick to get the sample. So I put it inside my ass. I tell you, it hurt! I took it out after a few minutes, and wrapped it right away with a paper towel.”

I could not believe what I just heard. Couldn’t hold it, and I just burst out laughing!

I explained to the patient what was suppose to happen, and indicated there was a misunderstanding, and that so he would not feel embarrassed.
He just laughed! He said, “It makes sense now. I kinda wondered why they didn’t make the stick smoother.”

Submitted by:
Jimmy Augustine
Laboratory Technician
North Dakota, USA

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