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The Fun Side of Clinical Laboratory Professionals
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When the lab director does a surprise visit 😅 luckily we are efficient in the lab and keep everything in good range and on the ball.. but still nerve wrecking that I didn’t get time to review it all before she did.
or CLIA 🥴 always nerve wrecking to have inspectors in the facility. Not that we’re doing anything wrong
Non-restockers, cellphone abusers, relentless gossipers, lazy coworkers, and the shameless rear kissers 😵💫😤
In the world of Covid, all of them are STAT even if ordered routine. We get written notes, neon remade notes. With… SUPER STAT, OB STAT, STAT must perform @… STAT OR. STAT RAD please call #12345 if you have any questions.
Bottom line, we won’t call, won’t follow cute notes, we follow the order in which it was received and status given
Yah we got that as well. Everything was crazy early 2022. That plus all the endless supply chain delays and shortages 😩
The chronic “I will never restock” coworkers who leave 1 pipette tip, one transfer pipet, one wooden applicator stick, (fill in the supply here), before clocking out.
Don’t forget the ones who return empty reagent bottles to the fridge. 😩
Toxic coworkers.
They’re just everywhere.
When everything goes tits up, in whatever bench a certain person is working, yet the fault is the analysers, the QC suppliers, sample degradation, validations done by someone who’s since left…..
When something alarms and I seem to be the only person who can hear it!
That one employee that does act like if they’re the supervisor.
When someone turns the volume all the way down to zero on the shared computer instead of pushing the mute button.
Those who don’t take responsibility for their actions; especially if they shrug it off or blame someone else.
Not cleaning the blood off the pipette when you’re done with the bench.
Sticking patient labels over blood culture bar codes
My biggest pet peeve, when staff wraps the labels around the tube in a manner that the machine wont read. Its straight up and down! Stop trying to be fancy!
Not cleaning up after one self, leaving the microscope on the 100x ocular, leaving analyzer reagents extremely low, being in charge of qc and not replacing reagents with the qc process…I think that’s it
Getting slammed on third shift with more than can be reasonably done before first shift comes in. No, Karen, this is not about time management or setting priorities. It’s about having more to do than can be done. Sorry if that’s inconvenient.
The lazy ones and the frequent call ins….
When I ask a coworker a question it seems to translate that I want them to solve the whole problem for me or complete an entire task.
Returning empty reagent or qc bottles in the refrigerator, not refilling the phlebotomy tray, leaving mess behind
using the last of a QC vial and not thawing replacements
FMLA abusers/ frequent call-ins.