Lab Professionals and Their Pets

Perry Scanlan, MT (ASCP) & Ginger Lab Professionals & Their Pets

Perry Scanlan, MLS (ASCP) CM & Ginger

My name is Perry Scanlan and I am a Professor and Program Director of the Phlebotomy and Medical Laboratory Science ...
Letycia Nuñez Argote, MPH, CHP, MLS(ASCP) CM plus Jean Grey and Ellis Grey Lab Professionals and Their Pets The Mislabeled Specimen

Letycia Nuñez Argote, MPH, CHP, MLS(ASCP) CM plus Jean Grey and Ellis Grey

I am Letycia Nuñez Argote, and my current role is as Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Clinical Laboratory ...
Lisa Wylie, MLS(ASCP) and Wynnie Lab Professionals and Their Pets The Mislabeled Specimen

Lisa Wylie, MLS(ASCP) and Wynnie

I have been in the healthcare field for over two decades and have amassed a wealth of experience. My milestones ...
Steven Brooks, MLT (AMT) & Sanji

Steven Brooks, MLT (AMT) & Sanji

I am a Medical Laboratory Technician and have been for 8 years. I work for a hospital in East Central ...
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