The current social climate has those from all walks of life, divided; but there is one thing we, at the Mislabeled Specimen, believe that we can ALL agree on: how much we love our pets.
Our new project seeks to highlight the special relationships between us and those animals we invest so much time and love into, and who help shape the people we are, and who we become.
By sharing our stories about our pets- whether they be enjoyable, unpleasant, sad, hilarious, etc.,- we make connections to each other, build our community, and strengthen our ties.
Perhaps by understanding that we all have common bonds, regardless of the different credentials, specialties, years of experience, we each possess, we can come to appreciate that we all belong to one lab, one community, one people.
If you and your pet/s would like to be featured, please email us at [email protected]

Perry Scanlan, MLS (ASCP) CM & Ginger

Letycia Nuñez Argote, MPH, CHP, MLS(ASCP) CM plus Jean Grey and Ellis Grey

Lisa Wylie, MLS(ASCP) and Wynnie