Fun Quiz: Are You Ready For The Finals? The Mislabeled Specimen Fun Quiz for MT, MLT, ASCP, AMT, AAB, MLS, CLS
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Fun Quiz: Are You Ready For The Finals?

You have 120 seconds to answer 15 questions from all major subjects of medical laboratory science. Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, Serology, Immunohematology, Urinalysis, Microbiology and General Laboratory. Good luck!

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#1. Basophilic granules of iron found inside red blood cells

#2. The majority of the iron in an adult is found as a constituent of

#3. What is the diluent used in the cyanmethemoglobin method for the determination of hemoglobin?

#4. Which test is used in the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis?

#5. The reagent strip reaction used to test for the presence of glucose is based on the principle of

#6. A patient became hypotensive and went into shock after receiving 50 ml of a unit of RBC. She had chills and a temperature of 40C. Transfusion reaction investigation was initiated but no abnormal results were seen. What additional testing should be performed?

#7. Which of the following phenotypes is homozygous for the Fy(a) antigen

#8. The following factors contributes to cast formation except

#9. Which serologic marker confirms immunity to Hepatitis B due to past infection?

#10. A protein made in the liver that is used to access nutritional status

#11. If a unit of whole blood is drawn in CPDA-1, how long can it be stored and used

#12. Delayed hypersensitivity may be induced by

#13. The following are indications for the examination of synovial fluid except

#14. Gram positive small pleomorphic rods with clubbed ends showing a palisade or “chinese letter” arrangement

#15. Classic method of creatinine measurement that uses picric acid in alkaline solution to form a red-orange complex



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