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The Fun Side of Clinical Laboratory Professionals
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Drives my coworker absolutely bonkers…. But seeing the clot in an SST before spinning. I will just move it back and forth. Idk why it’s so satisfying 🫣
I like squeezing the serum out of a lot with an applicator stick 🥴
Seeing that flash of blood when doing venipuncture on a patient who is a very hard stick
And then the patient says, “wow you did such a good job!!” 😎
Running stained blood smear under tap water. I know I’m weird…
Sticking and getting it right on the first try, on one of our particularly difficult patients
Especially if they tell me that it took over 6 tries to get her blood previously 😎
I miss working in blood bank, those newly drawn blood bags were nice and warm lol.
Talking about all our weird stuff over lunch. Doesn’t bother us but lab outsiders can’t eat with us.
Warming my cold hands by holding some
freshly drawn blood tubes.
When every analyzer and module in Chemistry works properly for 24 hours, I find that “oddly satisfying”.
Coming in to find supplies have been filled (plenty of pipettes, paper in printers, etc.).
Seeing the undulating membrane on a trich!
A clean pending, no analyzer/network issues, no call outs, quitting, or retiring
Pretty much what should be a normal day…
Haven’t seen one of those since I started
Watching pinworms under the microscope spin in their egg
Calling the id based on a Blood culture Gram and being right.
Identifying an antibody ( blood bank) the old fashioned way on a panel
I loooove urine crystals! Oh and eos!!
Playing with the dry ice
Looking at a diff, knowing that the mono test will be positive!
Opening the old Cepheid boxes along the perforations!
2.0 lactic acids (we have to call a critical value to the floor at 2.1)
How beautiful leukemia is under the microscope.
I love looking at the Sandoz Hematology book. The best atlas of blood diseases.