Welcome to our practice test for Medical Laboratory Certification Exams like ASCP and AMT for MLT, CLS and MLS. Test includes General Laboratory, Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, Urinalysis & Body Fluids, Blood Banking & Immunohematology, Serology & Immunology and Microbiology. You have 60 minutes to answer 100 test questions. Good luck!
#1. Rheumatic fever sometimes occurs after group A streptococcal infections. In this condition, an autoimmune response attacks the tissue of the heart valves. This phenomenon is an example of
#2. Used to describe the closeness of a test value to the actual value
#3. All of the following statements are true about Rh antibodies except
#4. Which of the following statements does not describe Radioimmunoassay?
#5. The following organisms are catalase positive except
#6. The Jendrassik-Grof method for bilirubin uses which reagent as an accelerator
#7. All of the following are psychotropic drugs except
#8. Which of the following red cell inclusions are associated with lead poisoning?
#9. The following conditions can cause a positive Rheumatoid Factor test except
#10. Bichromatic analysis is used in automation to
#11. An acute phase protein that binds to the membrane of certain microorganisms and activates the complements system is
#12. The following are hormones produced by the thyroid gland except:
#13. The most likely cause of subacute bacterial endocarditis is
#14. The largest leukocyte, has a very irregular nucleus and sometimes contains vacuoles
#15. A urine sample was collected with abundant vivid yellow foam. What is the most likely reason?
#16. Humoral antibodies are produced by which cells
#17. Yellowish-brown crystals that can be seen in a “thorn apple” shape (round with thorny projections) or in spherical form.
#18. Group of enzymes that catalyze the same reaction but have different enzyme forms and catalytic efficiencies
#19. Vitamin K dependent plasma glycoprotein synthesized in the liver that serves as a cofactor for Protein C
#20. Which of the following is not considered a Health Hazard under the Revised Hazard Communication Standard?
#21. Which two urine analyte are elevated in most cases of neuroblastoma?
#22. The following are routine media for Mycobacterium species except
#23. Corneal tissue may be transplanted successfully from one patient to another because
#24. Type of chromatography where the separation is based on differences in solubility between two liquid phases, one of which is aqueous and the other organic
#25. What type of immunity is associated with vaccinations using attenuated viruses
#26. Dog hookworm that can infect human hosts and migrates through tissues causing linear tracts. This phenomenon is called Cutaneous Larval Migrans or creeping eruption.
#27. Which of the following would cause an individual to be rejected as a blood donor?
#28. Only common enzyme normally excreted in the urine
#29. Which genus is resident biota of the mouth, large intestine, and within the vagina from puberty to menopause?
#30. The following steroid hormones are produced by the adrenal glands except
#31. Which serum antibody response usually characterizes the primary (early) stage of syphilis?
#32. In mycology, this reagent is added to clear specimen debris and break down keratin from nails and hair
#33. Granulocyte hyposegmentation is seen in which condition?
#34. Which of the following statements is true of C-reactive protein?
#35. What is the blood type of Bombays when routine ABO blood typing is performed?
#36. What cofactor do AST and ALT use?
#37. The following statements are true of ghost cells except
#38. Which of the following devices are used to maintain a sterile environment while working with microorganisms?
#39. Test used to assess abnormal cortisol levels in response to the injection dexamethasone, primarily to diagnose Cushing syndrome.
#40. Genetically hh or lack of H substance on the surfaces of red cells
#41. Which serologic marker confirms immunity to Hepatitis B due to past infection?
#42. The visible serological reaction between soluble antigen and its specific antibody is
#43. This methodology is based on the measure of total number of dissolved particles in a solution
#44. Which class of fire extinguishers is used for electrical fires?
#45. A VDRL serum sample is heat inactivated, then placed in a fridge for overnight storage. Before being tested, the serum must be
#46. Which cell is the principal source of interleukin 2?
#47. An autoimmune disease causing destruction of pancreatic cells can result in
#48. AHG control cells
#49. Which cells are found in the buffy coat of a spun down EDTA whole blood?
#50. Which of the following antibiotics work by inhibiting nucleic acid synthesis
#51. The FTA-ABS test for the serological diagnosis of syphilis is
#52. FFP from an A positive donor may be safely transfused to a patient who is group
#53. How many standard deviations encompasses 95% confidence?
#54. Most common human tapeworm in the US. Also known as the Dwarf Tapeworm
#55. Type of megaloblastic anemia caused by a deficiency of vitamin B12 that is directly linked to absence of intrinsic factor
#56. Term used to describe the lowest concentration that results in >99.9% killing
#57. Which of the following is true of Neisseria gonorrhoeae?
#58. The amount of enzyme that will cause utilization of substrate or production of product at the rate of 1 uM/minute
#59. What type of fire extinguisher would be best to use on computer equipment?
#60. For patients transfused with allogeneic RBCs or transfusion history unknown, a new sample must be drawn within how many days of transfusion
#61. A substance produced by a living organism which acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical reaction
#62. Technique used to separate lipoproteins by their rates of flotation
#63. Deficiency of this enzyme can lead to anemia
#64. The presence of sufficient quantities of ascorbic acid in urine has the potential of causing false positive reactions with which of the following?
#65. Since Mycoplasma sp. is not stainable with Gram stain, which stain should be used instead?
#66. Which of the following blood components must be prepared within 8 hours after phlebotomy
#67. Which method of amylase determination measures the absorbance of soluble dye split from insoluble amylase-dye substrate?
#68. Monitoring accuracy of centrifuge speed, monitoring accuracy of timing devices, and calibrating pipetting devices are examples of what?
#69. In a chemiluminescent immunologic assay, what is the signal detected?
#70. Autoantibodies directed against Thyroglobulin is associated with which disease
#71. In normal semen, which percentage of the sperm cells seen should be motile?
#72. Which of the following is not used as a support medium for serum protein electrophoresis
#73. Urine shows negative for glucose on the reagent strip but a positive reaction with Benedict’s test. What is the reason?
#74. A living donor is being sought for a child who requires a kidney transplant. The best odds of finding an MHC-compatible donor occur between the child and
#75. The following parasites can be found in urine except
#76. Which of the following is the most commonly used method of measuring concentration in the clinical laboratory
#77. Which of the following statements does not describe Corynebacterium diphtheriae?
#78. This enzyme stimulates oxygen release from hemoglobin when blood pH is low (hypoxic/acidotic).
#79. The antigen marker most closely associated with transmissibility of HBV infection is
#80. Antibodies directed at native DNA are most frequently associated with which pattern of fluorescence in the IFA-ANA test?
#81. Which portion of reticulocytes are stained with new methylene blue?
#82. Antibiotic used in the identification and detection of MRSA
#83. Which of the following is not one of the basic techniques for disposal of hazardous materials?
#84. A patient has a T helper:T regulatory ratio of 1:2. What disease state might you expect?
#85. Type of Stain used to visualize reticulocytes
#86. Term used to describe the quality control measure in which the most recent patient result is compared with previous result(s)
#87. This type of culture media contains reducing agents like thioglycollate or cysteine which bind with dissolved oxygen
#88. Which of the following would most likely be responsible for an incompatible antiglobulin crossmatch?
#89. If a patient’s sample is negative with the screen cells and the auto control, but all the crossmatched units are incompatible at all phases, what may be the cause
#90. Ehrlich’s reaction is a test for which analyte in urine
#91. Each of the following samples may be used in hematology except
#92. What is Karyorrhexis?
#93. Hemoglobin crystals appearing as “hand in glove” or “Washington Monument” is associated with
#94. Which of the following is not considered good practice when dealing with a fire emergency?
#95. Cephalosporin can cause a positive DAT with hemolysis by which of the following mechanisms?
#96. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Erysipelothrix sp.?
#97. The following are the main reasons for performing a urinalysis except
#98. A specimen is tested for antibodies to varicella resulting in a titer of 320. Two weeks later, her titer is 640. A third test was done after two more weeks and it is now 320. What is the disease status of the patient?
#99. Elevation of the granulocyte percentage above 75% is termed
#100. About 95% of this heavy metal is distributed in the erythrocytes and bones after ingestion

Wow this is tough. Thank you for making this.