Serious Quiz: Take The Practice Certification Exam Get Ready for ASCP, AMT, AAB Certification Exam
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Serious Quiz: Take The Practice Certification Exam

Welcome to our practice test for Medical Laboratory Certification Exams like ASCP and AMT for MLT, CLS and MLS. Test includes General Laboratory, Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, Urinalysis & Body Fluids, Blood Banking & Immunohematology, Serology & Immunology and Microbiology. You have 60 minutes to answer 100 test questions. Good luck!

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#1. What is the largest lymphoid organ?

#2. The type of immunity that follows the injection of an immunogen is termed

#3. Listed below are the results for a patient who had a positive ANA on initial testing: Anti-SM negative, Anti-SSA & SSB positive, Anti-Scl-70 negative, Anti-RANA negative. Which disease is most closely associated with these results:

#4. Term used to describe when there are 6 or more consecutive daily QC values that distribute themselves on one side of the mean value line, but maintain a constant level

#5. A specimen is tested for antibodies to varicella resulting in a titer of 320. Two weeks later, her titer is 640. A third test was done after two more weeks and it is now 320. What is the disease status of the patient?

#6. Hemoglobin H disease is associated with the deletion of how many alpha genes?

#7. The number of moles of substance in one liter of solution

#8. The following are tests routinely performed on donor blood except

#9. Which of the following causes hemorrhagic fever?

#10. The following are examples of “Good work practices” except

#11. While performing an antibody screen, a test reaction is suspected to be rouleaux. A saline replacement test is performed and the reaction stayed the same. What is the interpretation?

#12. Which serum antibody response usually characterizes the primary (early) stage of syphilis?

#13. These carriers can shed and transmit pathogens while they are recovering from an infectious disease

#14. Which of the following is the most commonly used method of measuring concentration in the clinical laboratory

#15. Enzyme reactions are affected by the following except:

#16. All of the following statements are true about Rh antibodies except

#17. The enzyme that is deficient in acute intermittent porphyria

#18. Which of the following parasites can be seen in the urine?

#19. Which of the following fungi causes meningitis and septicemia in immunocompromised hosts?

#20. The lowest concentration of an antimicrobial that will inhibit the visible growth of a microorganism after overnight incubation

#21. Majority of circulating lymphoid cells are of this type

#22. What is the vector of the transmission of blood flagellates Trypanosoma rhodesiense and gambiense?

#23. Substances that are antigenic only when coupled to a protein carrier are

#24. The following results may be caused by cold agglutinins except

#25. Brown-black urine can be seen as an accumulation of

#26. If a patient has anaphylactic transfusion reactions, how are future transfusions handled

#27. The nitroprusside technique, the test typically used to quantitate ketone bodies, is insensitive to which ketone?

#28. Colorless compound produced in the intestine after the breakdown by bacteria of bilirubin

#29. Each hemoglobin molecule has how many binding sites for oxygen molecules

#30. What immune elements are involved in a positive skin test for tuberculosis?

#31. Cryoprecipitate Antihemophilic Factor that is harvested from fresh frozen plasma can be used to treat which coagulation factor deficiencies

#32. Auer Rods are most like present in which type of leukemia

#33. Which is not a fraction of alkaline phosphatase?

#34. Antihistamines like Benadryl

#35. What is the formula for anion gap?

#36. The reagent strip reaction used to test for the presence of glucose is based on the principle of

#37. What hemoglobin is NOT normally present in a normal adult?

#38. The most serious hemolytic transfusion reactions are due to incompatibility in which of the following blood group systems?

#39. 4% suspension of patient cells show 4+ agglutination with Anti A and no agglutination with Anti B. What is the patient’s ABO type?

#40. In the indirect fluorescent anti-nuclear antibody test, a homogenous pattern indicates the presence of antibody to

#41. An A positive blood sample has a negative antibody screen. 6 units of A positive red cells were crossmatched and 1 unit was incompatible in the AHG phase. Which should be done first?

#42. Component of blood whose function is to react to bleeding from blood vessel injury by clumping

#43. A person who donates blood with the intent that he will receive his own blood during a future surgery is called what kind of donor

#44. Trophozoites of this flagellate has the characteristic “Falling leaf” motility and causes duodenitis in humans.

#45. An enriched, selective, and differential media used for the isolation and presumptive identification of Clostridium difficile

#46. Coil of capillary vessels that serves as a non-selective filter of plasma substances of less than 70,000 MW

#47. What is the first hepatic metabolite of ethanol?

#48. The following statements are true of active immunity except

#49. Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase can be detected by using agglutination assays. Which of the following diseases may show positive results with this type of assay?

#50. A peptide that increases sodium and water excretion and causes vasodilation to decrease blood pressure

#51. This enzyme stimulates oxygen release from hemoglobin when blood pH is low (hypoxic/acidotic).

#52. When performing a DAT, a control consisting of 6% albumin is run concurrently. What is the result of the control

#53. Which test is used to assess the extrinsic pathway of coagulation?

#54. Gram negative coccobacilli which causes “whooping cough”

#55. LDL cholesterol = total cholesterol—HDL cholesterol—Triglycerides /5 is an expression of which mathematical equation?

#56. What is the causative agent of Streptococcal pharyngitis?

#57. The following are techniques used to remove anti-I to detect underlying antibodies except

#58. Long filamentous gram negative rods with the characteristic “String of Pearls” colonies in Thioglycollate broth

#59. In order to be present in the urine, bilirubin must be in the form of

#60. All systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that laboratory services will satisfy given medical needs for patient care

#61. The following crystals are seen in alkaline urine except

#62. Test used to presumptively identify Group D enterococci and differentiate it from Streptococcus bovis/gallolyticus

#63. The air temperature throughout the serology laboratory is 20°C. How will this affect VDRL and RPR results?

#64. If a Group A negative mom received antenatal Rh Immune Globulin at 28 weeks gestation, what is the specificity of the antibody that may be identified in her serum at delivery?

#65. Urine shows negative for glucose on the reagent strip but a positive reaction with Benedict’s test. What is the reason?

#66. What is the relationship between urine color and its volume?

#67. Pregnant women are to avoid cleaning litter boxes of their house cats until delivery to prevent congenital infection of

#68. Heat loving bacteria with an optimum growth temperature of 50-60C

#69. Virulence factors include all of the following except

#70. Which of the following is a statistical measure of precision?

#71. Major cation of extracellular fluid

#72. Which of the following statements is true about Homocysteine?

#73. Which drug is used to treat bipolar disorders?

#74. Which of the following parasites is not transmitted by ingestion of eggs, cysts or larvae?

#75. A positive optochin sensitivity test is used in the differential diagnosis of which organism

#76. Which of the following is associated with nephrotic syndrome?

#77. The HLA complex is located primarily on

#78. Laboratory methodology based on the separation of the mixture into individual components on basis of specific differences in physical characteristics

#79. The immunoglobulin classes most commonly found on the surface of circulating B lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of normal persons are

#80. A patient is immunized for measles. What type of immunity does this patient have?

#81. Bordet-Gengou Agar is a special media for growing which organism

#82. A disorder that occurs when your body makes too much cortisol over a long period of time.

#83. To calculate the mean corpuscular volume (MCV), what parameters must be known?

#84. Weil-Felix test uses Proteus OX-19, OX-2 and OX-K as antigens to detect antibodies against this organism

#85. Which of the following statements on Indirect Antiglobulin Test is false?

#86. Which of the following statements on transudates and exudates is false

#87. The following are hormones produced by the thyroid gland except:

#88. The following ions are used in the calculation of anion gap except

#89. An arterial blood sample is received in the laboratory 45 minutes after collection with a bubble in the syringe. The technologist should

#90. What type of instrumentation is based on the principle that excitation of an atom’s electrons by heat energy from the flame causes unstable electrons to change from a higher energy state to a lower energy state?

#91. What is the primary form of lipid storage in the body?

#92. Which of the following is a measure of transferrin levels in the serum?

#93. What must be done to prevent graft-versus-host disease?

#94. A condition where the body produces an excess of the gastrin hormone that causes stomach to produce too much acid. This causes peptic ulcers and diarrhea.

#95. Hemophilia B is associated with a deficiency of which clotting factor?

#96. The chemistry procedure performed on a specimen of amniotic fluid to determine the possible presence of a neural tube defect is

#97. Which test is used in the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis?

#98. What cell type produces bone alkaline phosphatase?

#99. Which sugar is fermented by Neisseria meningitidis but not by Neiserria gonorrhoeae?

#100. An assay’s ability to detect small concentration of a substance is called



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Wow this is tough. Thank you for making this.