Serious Quiz: Take The Practice Certification Exam Get Ready for ASCP, AMT, AAB Certification Exam
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Serious Quiz: Take The Practice Certification Exam

Welcome to our practice test for Medical Laboratory Certification Exams like ASCP and AMT for MLT, CLS and MLS. Test includes General Laboratory, Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, Urinalysis & Body Fluids, Blood Banking & Immunohematology, Serology & Immunology and Microbiology. You have 60 minutes to answer 100 test questions. Good luck!

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#1. Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract Agar is a special media for growing which organism

#2. Any solid, semisolid or liquid waste generated in diagnosis, treatment or immunization of humans or animals in research, production of testing of biologics

#3. Delayed type hypersensitivity reactions like dermatitis, tuberculosis and leprosy are considered which type

#4. Each of the following samples may be used in hematology except

#5. The presence of sufficient quantities of ascorbic acid in urine has the potential of causing false positive reactions with which of the following?

#6. The best method to detect infections due to rubella, epstein-barr, and human immunodefiency viruses is

#7. What can you do to help prevent a fire in the laboratory?

#8. Post transfusion anaphylactic reactions occur most often in patients with

#9. Delayed onset transfusion reaction usually due to anamnestic response to clinically significant antibodies such as Rh, Kell, Kidd and Duffy

#10. Infection from these cestodes is diagnosed by seeing hydatid cysts in routine x-rays or exploratory surgeries

#11. Main organ involved in protein synthesis and its breakdown to urea.

#12. Which ketone does the dipstick reagent for urine ketone bodies detect?

#13. Calibration for speed of centrifuge done every

#14. A mechanism of cell-mediated immune defense whereby an effector cell of the immune system actively lyses a target cell, whose membrane-surface antigens have been bound by specific antibodies.

#15. Which immunoglobulin is the predominant antibody in body secretion

#16. The time from when pathogen first enters the body and begins to multiply, until symptoms first appear

#17. Which of the following is the physiological calcium channel blocker?

#18. If there is no time to determine a patient’s ABO and Rh type because he is profusely bleeding, what ABO/Rh type should be transfused

#19. Patient serum is mixed with a suspension of guinea pig antigen. When the sample is then mixed with horse red blood cells, agglutination occurs. This is suggestive of an infection caused by

#20. Which of the following organisms causes “rat bite” fever and has 2-3 spirals and bipolar polytrichous tufts of flagella?

#21. This parasite is diagnosed by demonstrating characteristic football shaped eggs with mucoid polar plugs

#22. Which of the following is not a clinical symptom of primary hypothyroidism?

#23. Which of the following statements on Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is false?

#24. Acid phosphatase can be found in the following except

#25. Most common pH used in protein electrophoresis

#26. Which hepatitis B markers should be performed on blood products?

#27. Which of the following substances, sometimes used as a tumor marker, is increased two- or threefold in a normal pregnancy?

#28. Which of the following lectins will discern group A1 cells from A2 cells

#29. Streptococcus agalactiae belongs to which group of Streptococcus

#30. An assay’s ability to detect small concentration of a substance is called

#31. Hemophilia B is associated with a deficiency of which clotting factor?

#32. A person can not make an alloantibody as a result of

#33. These parasites are the causative agents of malaria with bouts of fever and chills in man.

#34. Listed below are the results for a patient who had a positive ANA on initial testing: Anti-SM negative, Anti-SSA & SSB positive, Anti-Scl-70 negative, Anti-RANA negative. Which disease is most closely associated with these results:

#35. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique for the detection of HBsAg

#36. Pseudo-Pelger-Huet anomaly is associated with

#37. The following test is the most accurate indication of the presence of inflammation

#38. Term used to describe a range in which 95% of the population is expected to fall

#39. Test used to differentiate Staphylococcus aureus from Staphylococcus epidermidis

#40. The following statements are true about Thalassemia except

#41. A patient is administered an oral glucose tolerance test with the following results. Fasting glucose = 128 mg/dl, 2 hour post load glucose = 238 mg/dl.

#42. A 29 year old AB negative male is hemorrhaging badly. He needs 6 units of blood. Which of the following would be the most preferable?

#43. Which type of anemia is associated with defects in RBC cell membranes

#44. A combination of features usually associated with SLE, systemic sclerosis, and polymyositis.

#45. Observation of this WBC inclusion is helpful in the diagnosis of Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

#46. An A positive blood sample has a negative antibody screen. 6 units of A positive red cells were crossmatched and 1 unit was incompatible in the AHG phase. Which should be done first?

#47. In bacterial infection, elevated levels of this hormone is a marker of high risk of sepsis

#48. Hemophilia C is associated with a deficiency of which clotting factor?

#49. Cell surface glycoproteins that contributes to self/non-self recognition, immune responses, and coordination of cellular and humoral responses

#50. A patient received about 15 ml of compatible blood and developed severe shock, but no fever. If the patient needs another transfusion, which RBC component should be given?

#51. Folin Wu Method is a test for which analyte?

#52. Which lipoprotein moves fastest when subjected to electrophoresis?

#53. Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody is most often associated with this condition

#54. Which of the following is not an example of a precipitation type of antigen-antibody reaction?

#55. A metabolic disorder in which your organs accumulate excess iron, leading to organ damage

#56. The following are reducing sugars except

#57. What is the decolorizer used in Acid Fast Staining?

#58. The following are non-pathogenic protozoans except

#59. Which statement is false about glucagon?

#60. This type of hypersensitivity reaction induces cell death when antibody attaches to cell bearing corresponding antigen

#61. Patient suffering from Waldenstrӧm macroglobulinemia demonstrate excessively increased concentrations of which of the following

#62. Instrumentation based on the principle that cells passing through electric current creates electrical pulses proportional to cell size

#63. HLA antigen typing is important in screening for

#64. Which of the following RBC inclusions is associated with lead poisoning?

#65. Term used to describe the agreement of results with the true value for substance in a given specimen

#66. The following may cause oliguria except

#67. What is the principle behind the detection of urine nitrites?

#68. Which of the following is considered the first line of defense in infection control?

#69. Bone marrow transplant donors and their recipients must be matched for which antigen system(s)

#70. Which statement is true about the gray top tube?

#71. In the interpretation of aggutination tests for febrile diseases, which of the following is of the greatest diagnostic importance?

#72. The following are hormones produced in the adrenal medulla except

#73. In order to be present in the urine, bilirubin must be in the form of

#74. In normal semen, which percentage of the sperm cells seen should be motile?

#75. “Grape-like” clusters is a characteristic of which genus of bacteria

#76. Which enzyme has isoenzymes found in skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle and the brain.

#77. When would you need to use an N-95 respirator?

#78. An enriched, selective, and differential media used for the isolation and presumptive identification of Clostridium difficile

#79. Which statement does not describe the following antigens k, Kp(b) and Js(b)?

#80. How long must the sample be stored following a transfusion of the patient?

#81. Vaginal epithelial cells that appear fuzzy without sharp edges under a microscope due to the abundance of bacteria

#82. Which of the following can cause a Trend?

#83. Leukoreduced red cells would most likely be indicated for patients with a history of

#84. Which of the following is cleaved as a result of activation of the classical complement pathway?

#85. Autoimmune condition when the body produces autoantibodies against myelin sheath of nerves or myelin basic protein

#86. Transparent, clear casts that are often hard to see in urine; should be examined under subdued lighting

#87. Substances that are antigenic only when coupled to a protein carrier are

#88. A 10% red cell suspension in saline is used in a compatibility test. Which of the following would most likely occur?

#89. Immunity to Hepatitis B due to vaccination shows an elevation of this serologic marker

#90. Range of usual values for constituent of clinical interest in a healthy population

#91. Which type of anemia is associated with antibody destruction?

#92. What is the first part of the cell to degrade during apoptosis?

#93. Which hormone is deficient in patients with Diabetes insipidus?

#94. Which of the following disorders would be associated with a right shift in the red cell histogram?

#95. Which of the following is associated with chronic renal disease or renal failure

#96. Potassium ion exchanges for sodium ions happens in which part of the nephron?

#97. The following statements are true except

#98. Appearance of these crystals in synovial fluid is an indication of gout

#99. The following are tests routinely performed on donor blood except

#100. The result of an anti-nuclear antibody test was a titer of 1:320 with a peripheral pattern. Which of the following sets of results best correlate with these results?



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Wow this is tough. Thank you for making this.