Welcome to our practice test for Medical Laboratory Certification Exams like ASCP and AMT for MLT, CLS and MLS. Test includes General Laboratory, Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, Urinalysis & Body Fluids, Blood Banking & Immunohematology, Serology & Immunology and Microbiology. You have 60 minutes to answer 100 test questions. Good luck!
#1. Which of the following phenotypes is homozygous for the Fy(a) antigen
#2. What is the most appropriate diluent for preparing a solution of 8% bovine albumin for red cell control reagent?
#3. If a patient has anti-Fy(a) in his serum, he must receive red blood cells that are negative for the Fy(a) antigen. What percent of the Caucasian population is negative for the Fy(a) antigen
#4. Corneal tissue may be transplanted successfully from one patient to another because
#5. This technique is used to determine the amount of protein in each band by its absorbance of light
#6. Which laboratory finding is not consistent with Pernicious anemia?
#7. Why should potassium levels be monitored prior to and during administration of IV insulin?
#8. Rheumatic fever sometimes occurs after group A streptococcal infections. In this condition, an autoimmune response attacks the tissue of the heart valves. This phenomenon is an example of
#9. Which of the following statements is true of C-reactive protein?
#10. Highly refractile fat droplets found in renal tubular epithelial cells
#11. The following are non-pathogenic protozoans except
#12. What is the component of choice for a patient in DIC with a low fibrinogen level?
#13. Which of the following is associated with Tinea versicolor?
#14. Tests are performed on a patient with suspected thyroid disease with the following results: Elevated Anti-TPO, Elevated TSHR antibodies, ELEVATED TSI, Normal Anti-Tg
#15. The tumor marker associated with pancreatic cancer is
#16. The parasite that causes African Trypanosomiasis or African Sleeping Sickness requires this vector for transmission
#17. The following are tests routinely performed on donor blood except
#18. Which of the following is not a blood-borne nematode transmitted by an infected arthropod as an intermediate host?
#19. Device used to calibrate and measure centrifuge speed
#20. The immunoglobulin class typically found to be present in saliva, tears and other secretions is
#21. Colorless compound produced in the intestine after the breakdown by bacteria of bilirubin
#22. An agglutination procedure is performed with the following results: 1:10 NEG, 1:20 POS, 1:40 POS, 1:80 POS, 1:160 POS, 1:320 NEG. The reportable titer for this test is
#23. An analytical chemistry technique used to measure the amount of turbidity or cloudiness in a solution caused by the presence of suspended insoluble particles.
#24. Organic catalysts responsible for most reactions in the body
#25. An example of a live attenuated vaccine used for human immunization is
#26. Walking or Atypical pneumonia presents with dry cough, fever, and mild shortness of breath on exertion, is caused by which organism?
#27. Urobilinogen is produced in which of the following organs
#28. Which of the following statements on IgM antibodies is false
#29. The following are granulocytes except
#30. omeone who inconspicuously harbors a pathogen and spreads it to others is a
#31. Which of the following is the causative agent of Pontiac fever and Legionnaires’ disease?
#32. For patients transfused with allogeneic RBCs or transfusion history unknown, a new sample must be drawn within how many days of transfusion
#33. What portion of the IgG molecule functions to move the molecule across the placenta?
#34. Large ground glass colonies with an often comma shaped projections from the colony edge giving it an appearance of a “Medusa-head”
#35. Which of the following statements is true of exotoxins?
#36. Identical antibodies produced from a single clone of plasma cells describes
#37. Why is alkaline phosphatase elevated among teenagers?
#38. Class A Fire Extinguishers are designed for use on
#39. Which organ stimulates the pituitary gland into producing stimulating hormones?
#40. Red blood cells which are to be tested with antiglobulin reagent are washed to
#41. Where in the nephron is 90% of the filtered bicarbonate reabsorbed?
#42. What stain is positive for hairy cell leukemia?
#43. Squamous epithelial cells of vaginal origin encrusted with a coccobacilli, Gardnerella vaginalis
#44. A watery liquid that continually circulates through the brain’s ventricles (hollow cavities) and around the surface of the brain and spinal cord.
#45. All species of Bacillus exhibit beta hemolysis except
#46. Pregnant women are to avoid cleaning litter boxes of their house cats until delivery to prevent congenital infection of
#47. False positive results and false negative results can be obtained by sloppy technique. Which of the following causes a false positive result
#48. Over a two week period, the reactions of your QC antibody shows a gradual decrease from 2+ to a very weak positive with your antibody detection cells. These results most likely indicate
#49. Which is not a fraction of alkaline phosphatase?
#50. Dog hookworm that can infect human hosts and migrates through tissues causing linear tracts. This phenomenon is called Cutaneous Larval Migrans or creeping eruption.
#51. The following statements about the refractometer is true except
#52. The assembly of the complement “membrane attack unit” is initiated with the binding of
#53. Which of the following is used to provide continuous spectra in the ultraviolet region?
#54. Term used to describe a group of bacteria that prefers higher CO2 levels than in air
#55. Which of the following statements is false?
#56. The following are sterilization techniques except
#57. Equipment, utensils, or substances that may harbor or transmit pathogenic organisms from individuals who may have a communicable disease
#58. A test of fetal amniotic fluid to assess for fetal lung immaturity
#59. A marked decrease in CD4 lymphocytes and decrease in the CD4/CD8 ratio
#60. Folin Wu Method is a test for which analyte?
#61. Which organ is responsible for producing most of the volume of seminal fluid?
#62. Patient serum is mixed with a suspension of guinea pig antigen. When the sample is then mixed with horse red blood cells, agglutination occurs. This is suggestive of an infection caused by
#63. Which of the following is a spore-forming bacteria?
#64. Urine sample collected in the middle of the flow of urine after cleaning the genital area thoroughly
#65. Clinical syndrome in which there is an acute, noncardiogenic pulmonary edema associated with hypoxia that occurs during or after a transfusion.
#66. Patients with Graves Disease may show an elevation of the following thyroid antibodies except
#67. Calculated volume percentage of red blood cells in the blood
#68. Which laboratory technique is most frequently used to diagnose and follow the course of therapy of a patient with secondary syphilis?
#69. The following are aminoglycosides except
#70. Which class of immunoglobulin possesses 10 antigenic binding sites?
#71. Which of the following transfusion reactions is characterized by high fever, shock, hemoglobinuria, DIC and renal failure?
#72. Proteolytic enzyme that cleaves fibrin strands into soluble fragments of fibrin
#73. A group A Rh positive infant of a group O Rh positive mother has a weakly positive DAT and moderately elevated bilirubin 12 hours after birth. What is the most likely cause?
#74. IgM antibodes are frequently hemolytic because of
#75. Which of the following is an organ-specific autoimmune disease?
#76. Anti-extractable nuclear antigens are most likely associated with which of the following anti-nuclear antibody immunofluorescent patterns?
#77. Substance with high affinity for lipid layers of skin and brain, and is a potent neurotoxin causing brain damage or kernicterus
#78. Which lipoprotein is referred to as the “Good Cholesterol”?
#79. Yellowish-brown crystals that can be seen in a “thorn apple” shape (round with thorny projections) or in spherical form.
#80. Which of the following cells are important in killing virus infected cells and tumor cells?
#81. In the FTA-ABS test the presence of a beaded pattern of fluorescence along the treponeme indicates
#82. The lowest concentration of an antimicrobial that will inhibit the visible growth of a microorganism after overnight incubation
#83. Most immunogenic of all blood group antigens
#84. A small dense spherical structure in the nucleus of a cell during interphase.
#85. The tumor marker associated with colon cancer is
#86. Gram negative oxidase positive fermenter seen as curved rods with polar flagella
#87. Gram negative coccobacilli which causes “whooping cough”
#88. Red blood cells that have the appearance of a shooting target with a bullseye
#89. All of the following are associated with breast carcinoma except
#90. Reagent used to differentiate Bombay cells (hh) from O cells (HH or Hh)
#91. Which of the following is not a cause of false negative reagent strip tests for urine glucose?
#92. Ability of an analyzer to measure only the substance of interest with very minimal interference
#93. Which of the following statements is false?
#94. Which statement is false about insulin?
#95. Which of the following is not a gram negative cocci?
#96. In order for hemoglobin to combine reversibly with oxygen, the iron must be
#97. A parasitic nematode worm commonly known as the Old World hookworm with two powerful ventral teeth in the adult forms of this parasite.
#98. Which of the following is true about the reagent strip test for specific gravity
#99. Calibration for speed of centrifuge done every
#100. Which laboratory finding is not consistent with iron deficiency anemia?
Wow this is tough. Thank you for making this.