We are giving away a total of $300 cash/gift card this Christmas! We can send the cash prize anywhere in the world—so any lab in the world can participate!
Sponsor’s Pick: LabMinds will choose their favorite entry in terms of creativity and originality for a cash prize of $200!
Popular Vote: TMS will give a cash prize of $100 to the entry with the most votes or likes.
Special thanks to LabMinds Staffing & Recruiting for sponsoring this Special Christmas contest!
Here’s how to participate:
1. Take a picture of your Lab DIY Christmas Decoration. See picture below as an example.

2. Post your submission as a comment to this post (not on Facebook or anywhere else). This will be your official entry. You need to be logged in to submit. You can click here to log in. If you don’t have an account with us, please click here to register.
3. When posting the picture, please include the name of your Lab and which State or Country you’re from.
4. Multiple entries are welcome.
5. On December 31th at 2100 MST, LabMinds will choose their favorite entry in terms of creativity and originality. The Sponsor’s Pick will receive a $200 cash prize! The contest entry with the MOST LIKES (thumbs up) will also receive a $100 cash prize.
6. If the Sponsor’s Pick is from the USA, we will ship a $200 Amazon Gift Card. If outside the USA, we will contact the winner and send the $200 prize money using alternative means.
James E. Van Zandt VAMC – Altoona,PA
Lab Door
CAMC Teays Valley Laboratory, WV
Our tree’s cellfie!
Love it💖
How do you cheat on this? I personally had this up on my social media and live stream asking for likes. I know with my live stream I had over 100 people comment done! Are you just sour I was promoting it?
Apparently they don’t just let adults enter. Very childish.
St Joe’s medical center Laboratory Tacoma, wa Polar Express for lab Holly-Days
What to do with (whoops!) a couple hundred expired citrates and a handful of SST microtainers? Make wreaths and glittery citraticles!
Peter Lougheed Centre
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Dimmit Regional Hospital Laboratory
Carrizo Springs, Texas
Dimmit Regional Hospital Laboratory
Carrizo Springs, Texas
This door decorations are made of the supply reagent boxes and styrofoam boxes received in the Lab!😂
Medical BioChemisty OUS Ullevål, Norway
Santa ready to take some blood
St Francis Hospital Lab-Federal Way WA
Our hospital gingerbread contest entry. Light posts are pink tops and we won Most Festive!
Our miniature laboratory Christmas tree! We made a miniature microtainer candles, blood bags, syringes, Cryostat, Cellavision, slides, and other ornaments!
Memorial City Laboratory in Houston, Texas!
Adair County Hospital, Iowa, USA
Christmas tree constructed from mini pipettes from Cepheid kits, nasopharyngeal swabs and adorned with caps from Sysmex coag reagents. The star is made with pipette tips and a reagent cap and the base is constructed from tongue depressors.
Snowflakes made from a journal, published in 1991.
Molecular Genetics Lab, Edmonton Alberta
Kane County Hospital Lab, Utah, USA
Created by Tony San Jose III, MT
Made of 24-hr urine container, stool collection buckets, and green biohazard bags.
Kane County Hospital Lab, Utah, USA.
Created by Tony San Jose III, MT
These are made of Post-Its
Kane County Hospital Lab, Utah, USA.
Made by Tony San Jose III, MT
Kane County Hospital Lab, Utah, USA.
HNL Lab Medicine. Allentown PA
Microscope lantern. SEHI General Santos City, Philippines
DIY snowman ☃️ working as phlebotomist because we’re always short-staffed here at Gorkha Hospital Lab, Nepal🇳🇵
Lab chimes 🎶🧪🧪 HCH Lab- Kansas, USA
This is very pretty. Good job!
Very talented
“The cooler-man says the sample is hemolyzed” at Central Harnett Hospital in Lillington, North Carolina 😁
Thanks for voting
Great Job, CHH Lab!!!!