Fun Quizzes Urinalysis & Body Fluids The Mislabeled Specimen
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Fun Quiz: Test Your Urinalysis & Body Fluids Knowledge

Are you ready to take the ASCP, AMT, or AAB Certification Exams for MLS, CLS & MLT? Tests your knowledge in Urinalysis & Body Fluids to find out. Do it for fun or take this practice exam to help you prepare.

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#1. High levels of ascorbic acid or vitamin C may cause a false negative result on the following urine analytes except

#2. Crystals appearing as flat needle-like structures that are often brown in color. These are associated with the use of a certain antibiotic medication

#3. Tiny structures usually formed by deposits of protein (or other substances) on the walls of renal tubes

#4. Transparent, clear casts that are often hard to see in urine; should be examined under subdued lighting

#5. An elevated urine urobilinogen and a negative test for urine bilirubin may indicate which of the following conditions?

#6. Which of the following changes is not associated with stored urine sediment?

#7. The following causes polyuria except

#8. Which of the following statements on Ropes Clot Test is false

#9. Abnormal urinary crystals are most likely to be seen in which of the following urine specimens

#10. The following statements are true of ghost cells except



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