Fun Quizzes Urinalysis & Body Fluids The Mislabeled Specimen
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Fun Quiz: Test Your Urinalysis & Body Fluids Knowledge

Are you ready to take the ASCP, AMT, or AAB Certification Exams for MLS, CLS & MLT? Tests your knowledge in Urinalysis & Body Fluids to find out. Do it for fun or take this practice exam to help you prepare.

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#1. What is considered the renal threshold of glucose?

#2. A glycoprotein secreted by renal tubular epithelial cells which is the major constituent of casts

#3. Swollen neutrophils showing Brownian motion in the cytoplasm

#4. Complete cessation of urine production

#5. Which of the following changes occur when a urine specimen is left at room temperature for longer than 1-2 hours?

#6. Renal epithelial fragments originate from the

#7. Which urine finding is known as the best single indicator of renal abnormality

#8. Presence of detectable levels of albumin with more sensitive techniques that is too low to be detected by routine reagent strips

#9. The following statements about the refractometer is true except

#10. Principle used for the detection of glucose on a reagent strip



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