Are you ready to take the ASCP, AMT, or AAB Certification Exams for MLS, CLS & MLT? Tests your knowledge in Blood Banking & Immunohematology to find out. Do it for fun or take this practice exam to help you prepare.
#1. Which of the following will not react with enzyme treated cells?
#2. What is the ABO type of check cells
#3. What is the most appropriate diluent for preparing a solution of 8% bovine albumin for red cell control reagent?
#4. ABO hemolytic disease of the newborn
#5. Which of the following clinical applications uses DAT
#6. Red blood cells which are to be tested with antiglobulin reagent are washed to
#7. Used for storage of autologous units and “rare” units. These units must be thawed at 37C and glycerol removed prior to transfusion.
#8. Anti- Fya is
#9. The following are IgM antibodies except
#10. Granulocytes for transfusion should be