Fun Quizzes Immunohematology Blood Banking The Mislabeled Specimen
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Fun Quiz: Test Your Blood Bank and Immunohematology Knowledge

Are you ready to take the ASCP, AMT, or AAB Certification Exams for MLS, CLS & MLT? Tests your knowledge in Blood Banking & Immunohematology to find out. Do it for fun or take this practice exam to help you prepare.

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#1. Which immunoglobulin class is the blood banker most interested in

#2. Up to 75% of patients who have had this infection will develop cold agglutinins disease

#3. Which of the following statements is false?

#4. Test performed by testing unknown patient serum with saline suspended known group A1 and B reagent cells

#5. Cell surface glycoproteins that contributes to self/non-self recognition, immune responses, and coordination of cellular and humoral responses

#6. Cryoprecipitate AHF, if maintained in the frozen state at -18C or below, has a shelf life of

#7. The following are IgM antibodies except

#8. HLA antigen typing is important in screening for

#9. What is the most appropriate diluent for preparing a solution of 8% bovine albumin for red cell control reagent?

#10. Prepared by separating cells and plasma by centrifugation and freezing plasma within 8 hours of collection



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