Are you ready to take the ASCP, AMT, or AAB Certification Exams for MLS, CLS & MLT? Tests your knowledge in Blood Banking & Immunohematology to find out. Do it for fun or take this practice exam to help you prepare.
#1. An OB patient has had 3 previous pregnancies. First baby was healthy, the second jaundiced at birth and required an exchange transfusion, while the third was stillborn. Which of the following is the most likely cause?
#2. A group B patient needs blood but ABO identical blood is unavailable. Which alternative group(s) may be used?
#3. The following are techniques used to remove anti-I to detect underlying antibodies except
#4. ABO hemolytic disease of the newborn
#5. Complete lack of D, C, E, c or e antigens on red blood cells
#6. What is the shelf life of Fresh Frozen Plasma after thawing at 37C?
#7. What is the purpose of the Direct Antiglobulin Test (DAT)
#8. What must be done to prevent graft-versus-host disease?
#9. Serum from a rabbit or other animal previously immunized with purified human globulin to prepare antibodies directed against human immunoglobulin, some of which may be used in the direct and indirect Coombs tests.
#10. An antibody that causes in vitro hemolysis and reacts with the red cells of 3 out of 10 crossmatched donor units is most likely