Virtual lab week on FB is in the works! So far we plan to have a lab themed baking contest, Name that analyzer, Dress up/costume contests, match the lab rat to the baby mouse, live trivia, puzzles to print out, plus “make your own pizza” puzzles. It’s not lab week without pizza! . Prizes to be mailed out that include badge reels using TMS images, syringe highlighters, nerdy magnets and gifts donated by agencies. Sponsored/hosted by NomadicLabrats but all lab professionals are welcome to join in the fun and also join the discussion for lab week ideas.
Looks yum!! 🧁
And more lab themed cookies 🤭 Those test tubes can be pretty inappropriate
More lab themed cookies!
Another fun idea!
Creamy “poo” cupcakes 💩
Fresh pee, anyone?
Stressed out Lab Rats 🥴🍪🐀
Looks delicious 🍪
Doubt we can do this in our lab but still pretty awesome 😎
Virtual lab week on FB is in the works! So far we plan to have a lab themed baking contest, Name that analyzer, Dress up/costume contests, match the lab rat to the baby mouse, live trivia, puzzles to print out, plus “make your own pizza” puzzles. It’s not lab week without pizza! . Prizes to be mailed out that include badge reels using TMS images, syringe highlighters, nerdy magnets and gifts donated by agencies. Sponsored/hosted by NomadicLabrats but all lab professionals are welcome to join in the fun and also join the discussion for lab week ideas.
Thank you for spreading fun celebrating Lab Professionals Week!!! 🎉🎊🥳
Assorted Lab Cookies
Urine for a treat! 🥴🤪
Heart and brain! 🤓
Can also be a game! 🥴🤪
Eww haha
Kudos to the great staph
WBC cookies, anyone?
More cookies
Disgusting but super creative!!!
Courtesy of Nickya Murphy