Online counter for determining the percentage of reticulocytes from total red cells counted using a supravital stain. Please click here in you would like to use an input form instead. Instructions: Find oil immersion fields with approximately 100 non-overlapping cells. Use the “Reticulocytes” button below to count the number of reticulocytes seen. Then, press the… Continue reading Reticulocyte Count 10-Field Estimate (Counter)
Category: Lab Calculators
CSF Fluid Cell Count Calculator
Determine the number of cells per microliter (uL) using the hemocytometer manual cell count method for Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
Fetal Red Cells Percentage
Determine the percentage of fetal red blood cells from the total red cells counted
Corrected Calcium Calculator
Calculates the corrected calcium using serum total calcium (mg/dl) and total albumin (g/dl) results.
WBC Count Estimate
Estimate the patient's WBC Count with a Wright-stained peripheral blood smear under 50x oil-immersion objective. Formula: Estimated WBC Count (in /ul) = Total WBCs seen in ten 50x oil-immersion objective fields / 10 x 3,000
Anticoagulant Adjustment
Determine the amount of anticoagulant (in uL) to be removed to adjust for patients with high hematocrit levels. Formula: Volume of sodium citrate required = (100 - HCT) / (595 - HCT) x Volume of Whole Blood Amount to be removed = Volume of citrate in tube - Volume of sodium citrate required Principle: Patients… Continue reading Anticoagulant Adjustment
Serum Osmolality
Calculate serum osmolality using the sample's sodium, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), glucose and ethanol levels. Formula: Serum osmolality = 2*Na + BUN/2.8 + glucose/18 + alcohol/3.7 Normal range = 275 to 295 mOsm/kg Principle: Osmolality is a special variation of molality, and is a measure of the number of dissolved, osmotically active, particles in a fluid, and is… Continue reading Serum Osmolality
Standard Deviation (SD) Calculator from Reference Range
Determine the Standard Deviation and Mean from the low and high limits of the acceptable or reference ranges. Please click here if you would like to calculate the standard deviation using a given set of data points. Formula: Mean = (Low Limit + High Limit) /2Standard Deviation = (Mean - Low Limit) / 2**For example,… Continue reading Standard Deviation (SD) Calculator from Reference Range
24 Hr Creatinine Clearance
Determine the 24 hour creatinine clearance in ml/min using the measured serum and urine creatinine and total volume. Formula: Creatinine Clearance = Urine Creatinine x 24 hour Urine Total Volume / Serum Creatinine / 1440 Principle: Creatinine clearance is the theoretical volume of blood which is wholly cleared of creatinine following one passage through the kidney.… Continue reading 24 Hr Creatinine Clearance
Estimated GFR
Calculate the Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) using the patient's serum creatinine level, age, race and sex. Formula: The IDMS-traceable MDRD study equationGFR = 175 × (SCr)-1.154 × (age)-0.203 × (0.742 if female) × (1.212 if Black)where SCr = serum creatinine in mg/dL The CKD-EPI formulaBlack femaleIf SCr < 0.7GFR = 166 × (SCr/0.7)-0.329 × 0.993ageIf SCr > 0.7GFR = 166 ×… Continue reading Estimated GFR